29 December 2009
Happy New Year Bloggers
So now I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year!
22 December 2009
20 December 2009
Our latest effort in Lebkuchen
14 December 2009
Christmas time is "Lebkuchen' Time
11 December 2009
I was reading the newspaper this morning as I do most mornings when I came across a saying I've heard many times before and its meaning I understand but don't follow the word play exactly. The saying is:
"Don't cut off your nose to spite your face".
There is a saying in Switzerland for the same meaning: "Cut off the branch on which you sit", which to me makes more sense.
So, what's with the nose and face thing?
Can anyone explain it to me,
01 December 2009
27 November 2009
I need a good night's sleep!
For over a week, we've had a visitor. Once a year the 'Common Koel' a migratory bird visits us. This bird is very hard to spot as it is extremely good at hiding, but boy, do you hear it! Yesterday it was in a tree near us and singing it's little heart out, but no matter how hard we looked, we couldn't see it. It has a monotonous song that sounds something like a wolf-whistle directed at a pretty girl coming from a building site. Only this one won't stop, it goes on and on.
It did finally stop at around 7 pm. We watched a little TV, went to bed around 10.30pm and woke up at 3.45 by, you guessed it... our visitor. Both Diane and I dived for our ear plugs and tried to go back to sleep. Me, without success because I could still hear that annoying sound.
It did eventually stop at around 5 am and I haven't heard it today, so hopefully it went back to New Guinea or wherever it came from.
25 November 2009
Redlands - This is your Life

23 November 2009
Sonya and Bernard in 'New Idea'
22 November 2009
More about the new Bear Park in Bern
After yesterday's post on the Bear Park, here is a video showing more about this new Swiss Attraction. The video is by Swissinfo, formerly Swiss Radio International.
The famous Bears of Bern have moved
If you have ever visited Switzerland's capitol, Bern, chances are you went to the famous Bear Pit, the 'Bärengraben'. For people growing up and living in Bern, this was just an acceptable fact that bears were living in a relatively small enclosure, but many overseas visitors were expressing doubt that this could be good for the bears. Diane included.So now the two remaining bears, Finn and Björk have been relocated to a brand new park, adjacent to the old pit. They now live in a 6,000 square metre park along the banks of the River Aare. They can still access the large pit, now a historic monument. Two more bears will soon join them.
Not only do they have more space to roam, but they also have million dollar view over the old town of Bern.
Yesterday, a man climbed onto the fence of the new enclosure and fell into the bear area. He was then attacked by 4 year old Finn who felt threatened by the intruder. A policeman fired a shot at the bear and injured him. The man was taken to hospital with head and leg wounds and the bear was operated on to remove the bullet. It is not known why the man climbed onto the fence according to city police sources. The Bear Park announced that Finn is doing well.
For more information on the Bear park Bern, click HERE
21 November 2009
Are you hungry?
17 November 2009
10 November 2009
Bernard Curry is in the TV Magazines again
Our daughter Sonya's partner, Bernard Curry is on the front covers of the Television Magazines again this week, for the 3rd time this year.
Bernard plays dive master Hugo Austin, in the Channel 7 drama Home and Away and also hosts the hit show Beauty and the Geeks Australia, also on Channel 7. But it's his Home and Away part that gets him all the attention at the moment. You see, his character Hugo, who, until now has been seen as a nice chap, looking after his brothers, has dark secrets. It has just been revealed that Hugo is actually married. Shock, Horror! How about his relationship with Martha?
Bernard on the front page of TV Week
So, presently Hugo is the talk of the town. What will happen in Summer Bay? How will his relationship with Martha end up?
Together with other cast members of Home and Away, Bernard was part of the Celebrity Line-up at the recent Melbourne Cup, for our overseas visitors, that is the horse race that stops the nation.
So, as we went shopping this morning, we saw another TV mag, one we have never bought before, but when we saw Bernie on the cover, we had to buy that one as well.

Of course, the inside story revolved around the recent revelation that Hugo was already married. A lot of fun really but in the meantime, Bernard's popularity increases which can't do his career no harm.
09 November 2009
A new composition by composer/musician John Sokoloff. Some of you might remember the short movie 'Johnny' I posted in June. This is John's latest production. Tell me what you think.
06 November 2009
With motor-driven bicycles through South Australia
A Swiss couple is planning to travel for two months through South Australia on their Electro-bicycles. Beat and Petra Amacher who run the bicycle shop near Interlaken plan to fly to Adelaide in South Australia to begin their 2,000 km journey in the Australian summer heat.Electro-bicycles are not known yet here in Australia. The bikes are manufactured by the 'Flyer' Company of Switzerland and have an electrical battery and motor to assist the cyclist traveling, even on hills. The bike can travel up to 50 km on the charge of a battery.
The electrical display shows not only the distance travelled and speed but also the condition of the battery that runs the motor.
The bicycle has 8 gears and weighs 45 kg and the Li-ion battery has 10Amp per hour capacity. The couple will charge the motor batteries every night at the place they spend the night.
Sounds like an adventurous trip. We wish them good luck in their endeavour.
01 November 2009
Simon's sister is visiting with her dog
By popular demand, here's another of Simon's cartoons, this time his sister is visiting with her dog and he is fed up...
28 October 2009
The ultimate Computer Security!

Repairs to my car
For a while now I've put up with some minor dents and scratches on the front bumper bar of my car. They have annoyed me but were not worth going to a panel beater for repairs. Then we saw an ad in the local paper for a company called "Bumpertech" who come to you to repair minor dents and scratches. We called them and the man came yesterday to do the job.First, he sanded and filled the scratches and sanded and sprayed a primer.
Then he sanded the primer and masked all areas ready for the final coating.
Then he mounted plastic sheeting all around to avoid overspray.
And finally, he sprayed the final coat which he had perfectly matched to the paint code found under the bonnet. He did this with the help of a lap-top computer.
Here she is, brand-spanking new.
27 October 2009
24 October 2009
Phoning the telephone company
I fully agree with this small person about the frustration talking to telephone companies.
23 October 2009
Beauty and the Geeks - Australia
here is a montage of clips taken from Episode 1 of Beauty and the Geeks Australia, hosted by
Bernard Curry.
22 October 2009
Bernard Curry on B105 Brisbane
We had dinner with Bernard Curry last night at the exclusive Stamford Plaza in town. Bernard was up here in Brisbane doing promotional gigs for Channel 7 for Beauty and the Geek. First up this morning he was on Radio B105-FM. Here's the interview:...
21 October 2009
Beauty and the Geeks - Australia - Promo
The new hit show on Channel 7 - Beauty and the Geek hosted by Bernard Curry
who also plays Hugo Austin in Australian Drama 'Home and away'.
Here's a promo....
See the last Episode Unfortunately you'll have to watch an ad first, but hey - Click here18 October 2009
Brisbane Ethnic Radio 4EB-FM

In 1981, we finally had managed to build a reasonable studio area, with two broadcast studios and a common room-library and an office in the industrial area of South Brisbane. We really thought we had come up in the world.