I guess it shows that I was born in Switzerland many years ago. Although I have long since assimilated to the Australian way of life, when it comes to food I stll fancy some Swiss foods. One of which is my favourite breakfast food, Bircher Müesli. OK, so you can buy 'Muesli' in supermarkets but it's just not the real thing. Bircher Müesli was developed around 1900 by Swiss physician Max Bircher-Brenner for patients in his private hospital, where a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables was an essential part of his therapy. It was based on a breakfast, he and his wife experienced while on a hiking holiday in the Swiss alps.
I prepare BM in a tub that lasts the blogger and me for nearly a week. Here is how I prepare it:
I place 4 cups of rollead oats in a container
I add half a cup of crushed walnuts (optional)
I add 3/4 cup of sultanas (or mixed dry fruit)
I add 1 teaspoon of nutmeg and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
I add 3 cups of orange juice
I add 1 tub of yoghurt natural or fruit whatever I find in the fridge
Sometimes I grate an apple into it at the end but as we always top it with fresh fruit salad before we tuck in, that's not necessary.
I stir it well, place the lid on the container and put it in the refrigerator. There it stays until the next breakfast time when we serve about 3/4 cup full in our bowls, then add fresh fruit and skim or soy milk to thin it down a bit. As I said, it lasts us for nearly a week.
Of course you can prepare more or less, depending of your needs. But it is important to leave it overnight. as it gets better and smoother as the week goes on.
Mmmmmm |