In late February, Switzerland experienced a last downpour of snow for the winter. No exception in the Region of Beatenberg high above the lake of Thun. Fritz Bieri, a nature photographer captured the following scenes on one of his walks. He has a fabulous web site with lots more pictures of this beautiful place on earth. To visit his web site, click on the link at the bottom of this post.

Lots of snow is putting pressure on the roofs of houses

Driveways to properties have to be cleared

Snow ploughs clear roads to make them drivable

Fritz Bieri's own driveway has to be cleared

Fairy-tale pictures on the Niederhorn mountain above lake Thun

Fairy-tale views on the Niederhorn mountain above lake Thun

Walking through deep snow is difficult but worthwhile

Riding up to the Niederhorn on the early gondolas
offers a great sight, as the snow will not last too
long in the sunshine

One has to be careful with fresh snow, as it could
collapse which could land you much nearer the lake

Fabulous view towards Thun

The trees are carrying a heavy weight

Winter can offer wonderful views

Sled and walkways have been cleared

A descend on a sled is a great experience

And still the snow keeps falling
To visit Fritz Bieri's wonderful web site,
click here