Our Camera Club was invited to participate in the Art In Aviation Event organised by the Gold Coast Sports Flying Association and held at Heck Field Airstrip at Jacobs Well, south of Brisbane.
The planes arrived at around 9 o'clock and members were ready for them.
Don't ask me makes and models of these planes, I wouldn't know.
One of the reporters from the Sports Pilot Magazine approached me with a request. He is writing an article about the following aircraft. He had his 11 year old son with him. His request, 'Can you please take a shot of this plane with my son in it and make it look like they are flying? But he must not look 11 years old. We would like to use it on the cover of the next magazine issue with my article.'
The Blogger had the same idea |
No problem at all.
In October, they are holding an Open Day, where we can all display our photos and hopefully win a prize. That'll cut me out, but we have some excellent snappers in our midst, so hopefully one of them will take first prize.