
27 December 2013

Traditional Christmas Mince Pies

Over Christmas, the topic of mince pies came up. it turns out that in the Curry clan, none of the men like them. Reason enough to go and buy some.

I got son-in-law Bernard and his brother Stephen to sample one.


  1. I must admit they were not very good examples to try and woo them into liking.

  2. Hilarious! I'm trying to think what would give me that same reaction. I actually love mince pies but I absolutely loathe licorice. Please if ever we meet again don't give me any licorice okay? :) Happy New Year and thank the Curry brothers for such an entertaining video.

  3. That was a good performance. They should be actors, haha.

  4. Very funny. It's good to see Stepnen and Bernard in form. They should be a permanent comedy douple


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