
09 January 2011

Queensland Floods

You may have seen Diane's blog post of the floods a few days ago <CLICK HERE>

Here are some more pictures of this devastation the state of Queensland is experiencing. These pictures are from the brisbanetimes magazine.

Or you may want to watch this CNN Video - CLICK HERE

A man walks from his house to the neighbour's on the roof of the carport

A man tries his luck fishing from his front steps

The only way to get around the streets is in a boat

A family rescues their important papers such as the Insurance Policy

A couple of women rescue their pets

This man's face says it all while he is sitting on his car

Centre of Bundaberg

This sign at the entrance of Rockhampton reads WELCOME TO ROCKHAMPTON
Of course City of Brisbane is no stranger to flooding. Below is St Lucia during the floods in 1974
Brisbane St Lucia in 1974