
24 April 2012

First Morning in L.A.

After a good night's sleep recovering from the long flight, we're up and running. We drove to Traveltown in Los Angeles, a railway museum, favourite with Fox and Granddad.

This place is about 20 minuted from Sonya and Bernie's house in Hollywood. It's a little like the Railway Museum in Peterborough but no entry fee other than a donation box.  It's very large and has lots of steam trains on display. Fox was in his element climbing onto all the trains.

Sonya is very uncomfortable and finds it difficult to walk very far so we gave her lots of time to sit and relax.

Fox discovered a model railway he could play with.  There is also a miniature railway you can ride along the perimeter track which we all enjoyed. No one took any pictures. Pity, but I took lots of video which will end up on YouTube in the next few days.

Then, after a browse through the Railway shop (without any purchases, I mighty add), we set off home for lunch and a rest for Fox, Sonya and the oldies.

Our first day in Los Angeles,

Until soon....


  1. So glad you got to LA okay and are now enjoying your family. Photos are great!

  2. OMG - you are in heaven on earth!
    Young Fox and you playing 'the young and old controllers" at a Rail museum!
    You seem to be all rugged up?????
    Fancy dragging poor Sonia around, she looks exhausted!
    Next installment please Mr. "Choo Choo" controller!
    Weather here: Pretty good (so far! ha ha)

  3. Well that's the perfect museum for the young, old. hee hee
    Was that Fox saying "Choo Choo" on the movie? Too cute!
    You all look like you were enjoying it.

    Sonnie is H.U.G.E! gulp. I'm holding my breath...
    Skype tomorrow - it's ANZAC day holiday.
    Miss you all so much.

  4. Me again, I can't comment on your 365 project but I wanted to say how much I love the shot of today's post. Fox alone with the huge engines. great atmosphere.

  5. I must admit I didn't take that shot, Carol, Bernie did.

  6. Lokiführer, davon träumt jeder Bub, ob jung oder ein bisschen älter...
    Wie die Augen leuchten und die Gesichter strahlen bei einer solch schönen Lokomotive zeigt das Foto sehr schön.

    1. Sorry, habe vergessen den Namen zu schreiben... Gruss aus Bern Stefan


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