
27 July 2011

My Bear Encounter in Yellowstone National Park

Here's the video footage of my bear encounter in Yellowstone National Park. I got such a shock when this bear walked right by me that it took some time for me to focus the camera. The grizzly followed a few minutes later.


  1. Gosh Bill, that looked a little too close! But oh what a great video of your close encounter.

  2. Bill

    All they wanted was for you to get up and dance with them to the tune of "The Teddy Bears Picnic"! Shame on you for not obliging the dear little Missy Bears!
    Colin (HB)

  3. Golly, now you will have me humming that tune for the rest of the evening.

  4. Hi Bill, I had to come here after seeing the link on Diane's blog. I just love bears. What an awesome video. Great sighting to see both the black bear and the grizzly at the same time. Very cool.

  5. WOW! You were very brave, Bill, to be so close to those bears, but I guess the best thing to do is stnad still and not run away as they might run after you. I love Yellowstone!


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