I thought it was about time that, as one of the tutors of two camera clubs, I should invest in a DSLR, even though I am extremely happy with my Lumix TZ60 point and shoot camera which shoots in RAW format, the format I use for my photographs.
I looked around and considered buying a Nikkon 3200, but found that even though it shoots in RAW, it can't easily be imported with Adobe Lightroom 6. Then the Blogger suggested I should buy a Canon so I can use her lenses. Great thought. So off I trundled to the local Camera House where I got a very good deal on a mid-range Canon DSLR, the 750D, @24 Mega Pixel. and a 18 - 135mm zoom lens thrown in as well as a tripod. We already have a few other lenses I can now use.
My new Canon 750D |
So, as we headed off to Bribe Island for a few days, I had a chance to try out my new toy.
This is a panorama view from our balcony on the 5th floor. Five pictures stitched together in Lightroom 6.
One morning we went for a walk along the beachfront. The Blogger, Mary and myself.
Mary and the Blogger |
We had some stunning sunrises and sunsets Mother Nature provided for us.
Sunrise over the Pacific |
At one stage, a cruise ship sailed by. I captured it holding the camera on the railing, even though it was way out in the distance.
A P&O Cruise ship passed by - 1/30 - f:6.4 |
Ornament 1/15 - f:5.6 |
Another day we visited the Bribe Island Art Centre where we found a short walk to an island lagoon.
Island Lagoon - 2/200 - f:3.3 |
The moon after sunset - 1/125 - f:6.3 |
And finally on the way home we stopped at Bongaree where I shot this Panorama over the Pumistone Passage.
I am very happy with the Canon 750D.